im_a_blisy’s avatarim_a_blisy’s Twitter Archive—№ 4,305

      1. …in reply to @ShinyCollector_
        @ShinyCollector_ @SpeedTwister96 @ItsPapaJefe @TeeJayP3 @Oliver_MKP I don't think there's anything wrong with drawing a distinction in your head or having separate communities for different types of hunting. (methods / vs rng / vs full odds) They're all different in their own ways.
    1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
      @ShinyCollector_ @SpeedTwister96 @ItsPapaJefe @TeeJayP3 @Oliver_MKP I just think there's enough overlap between all 3 that even if someone posts a manip or a method or a full odds if you're not interested, it's best to just say cool shiny and move on. I meme about rng being difficult but one of the reasons I don't do traditional hunts i
  1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
    @ShinyCollector_ @SpeedTwister96 @ItsPapaJefe @TeeJayP3 @Oliver_MKP is I don't have the patience for it lol. I can barely stand SRing for IVs let alone shinies. Idk, we all trying to have fun playing pokemon here.