@TamashiiHiroka Yes. People look at Wes and the shadow Pokémon and the generally cool aesthetic of the games and think “this is a gritty cool Pokémon game” and play it once when they’re 12. Also colo aged very poorly all the human models are extremely ugly lol
@TamashiiHiroka Also everyone keeps saying they’re challenging but they’re really not? There’s a really big level jump in the final colosseum but it’s not difficult it’s just annoying. Besides it’s not that tough, I’ve beaten it with only shadow mons non purified lol
@TamashiiHiroka I will say all of my criticism is directed almost exclusively at colo. I’ve only played XD once but I’ve played colo a lot and known it pretty well at this point. XD has a lot of the same flaws but is definitely a bit better, but I’d have to play it again to remember