@SparklySilvally @ItsPapaJefe Poketransfer right now both financially gates people and is time gated. Pokémon bank will shut down, and transfers will be impossible to gen 5, 6 , or 7. If I have to hack to do it I will, because duh lol. It doesn’t even edit the Pokémon. Also you have to pay 3 subscriptions rn
@SparklySilvally @ItsPapaJefe Which is ridiculous. And Pokémon bank doesn’t even have an auto renew which is super annoying because I’ve come close a few times to have my mons yeeted for literally no reason.
@SparklySilvally @ItsPapaJefe I don’t use any “hacked” method yet cuz it’s just not as convenient as using official methods, but the day will come when that’s not possible, and that’s just super lame.