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      1. …in reply to @TamashiiHiroka
        @TamashiiHiroka I've basically had a static team for a while now, definitely since before the second boss. I had been meaning to even change some out but because of how easy leveling goes I didn't need to. I will say I don't feel like there's any utility into picking mons except good capture
    1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
      @TamashiiHiroka Like Crobat is my favorite cuz she has hypnosis, everyone else is just kinda there cuz I like em I guess? Which is fine. At least it's not like swsh/bdsp where I just have a portable box encouraging me to not even plan lol. I have to go back to base a lot.
  1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
    @TamashiiHiroka I think they could've really dialed in the fear of Pokemon by not letting you teleport to camps until the Noble is calmed, so it'd be more stressful to navigate. Rn if you're worried you just teleport to camp. Anyway it's also better than I thought. Played it ALL DAY.