@_MrFalco It is more than random items. I also just finished BW recently. Route 1 has a secret path that leads to routes 14/15, which are huge water routes to explore. Route 3 has wellspring cave and water sections to come back to, route 4 has the forest and virizion
@_MrFalco This also only gets better in the post game. Route 11 is awesome with two different water falls to explore, and village bridge is a whole town with a bunch of fun secrets. Route 12 is a wide open field and route 13 is another huge section with ocean that leads to giant chasm
@_MrFalco Route 14 is awesome it leads to undella bay and landorus shrine. And the route to the east of nimbasa is also wesome with its hidden forest with a water fall
@_MrFalco Route 5 has the split path to desert resort which turns into a giant ancient ruin. Route 7 leads to coballion, route 8 is a split path with the graveyard tower, route 9 is huge being before and after a bridge. Having a Huge marsh area and challengers cave.