@_MrFalco Non linearity is not what is what I am talking about here. I don’t care about connectivity to older areas, I care about how fun the areas are to explore, and BW does this exceptionally. In SM routes were just hallways, nothing to detour me along the way.
@_MrFalco Every side area is fun to explore, and HMs are utilized extremely well because they are required for extra exploration, but not for mandatory progress. I quite enjoyed going off the beaten path to get to the top of a water fall for an item, or deep in the dream yard for musharna
@_MrFalco SM could never make me feel this way because it doesn’t try and it’s actively worse for it. I enjoy making sure my team is prepared for adventure picking out mons with HMs / that can learn them to get where I want to go. It encourages bonding and unique team selection
@_MrFalco I find that branching paths like this, as long as they are significantly large, really immerse me in the game. It lets me take the journey more at my own pace and lets me feel like I am exploring.