im_a_blisy’s avatarim_a_blisy’s Twitter Archive—№ 11,349

    1. This is a very reductive statement in many ways, I think. Even now I struggle to find the words effectively to say what I am meaning. Saying autistic people do not do those things is bad, and also saying they're "uncomplicated"(?) is bad. @AutisticCallum_/1672313407742066689
  1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
    I understand the sentiment, of course. Being autistic and not picking up on specific cues, or giving off certain cues unknowingly is very difficult to deal with. And you have to put in a lot of energy to actively explain yourself, learn things, and hope people are charitable.
    1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
      I am both very abrasive and misread situations constantly, and some of that is because of the autism. The uncertainty in every day conversation until I feel 100% comfortable with someone is very difficult to deal with. The inability to understand if someone is my friend.
      1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
        These things that I am doing do not change whether I am talking to an autistic person or not. This became a ramble, but don't be reductive, it's unhelpful. Not all autistic people are one way, that's the spectrum. But not all neurotypical people are one way either.