im_a_blisy’s avatarim_a_blisy’s Twitter Archive—№ 11,577

      1. …in reply to @TamashiiHiroka
        @TamashiiHiroka People dunk on savestates and such too much. Mario 64 becomes horribly unfun once you get to like the last two levels, and if you can enjoy it by using them it’s fine. I just bljd past that shit and never looked back LOL.
    1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
      @TamashiiHiroka I also am not one to shy away from challenging games. I think a lot of what is tolerable to a gamer(cringe) is what games you grew up playing. I never owned a console in that era, so I don’t tolerate early 3D Jane as much. But give me a BS gameboy game and I’m in
  1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
    @TamashiiHiroka Jank not Jane