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    1. The official formats were not designed by the people who make the games. They were put together by Nintendo reps to make the battles as short as possible with little to no input from gamefreak as advertisements for the games. It’s legit not any more valid than smogon lol @im_a_blisy/1694714398768812499
  1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
    These days of course gamefreak does balancing for the official metas and has more input. But origins wise they’re no different. Someone who isn’t the dev team made a bunch of decisions about competition. Why do you think team preview was never built in till like gen 5?
    1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
      I think the big reason it’s so easy for me to accept a fan format is cuz I play and love melee, which has no dev support and is fan run. Compare this to smogon, and you’ll see lots of similarities.
      1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
        I’ve drifted from smogon only cuz I like wifi battles a lot, and it’s just hard to play wifi smogon formats these day without preplanning.