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      1. …in reply to @Montana_Pokemon
        @mont_616_pkmn I am saying the concept of that format, doubles, bring 6 pick 4, specific bans, was not decided by gamefreak, but was decided by Nintendo execs in 2005ish when they started running tournaments in Japan/USA as advertisements for the games.
    1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
      @mont_616_pkmn All these tournaments are run by either Nintendo or TPC and until gen 5 there was not a single way to play the games actual format on cartridge. Only side games(which were NOT developed by gamefreak and had very little input by gamefreak. Think any genius sonority game)
  1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
    @mont_616_pkmn Why else would team preview and standard rulesets not be in gens 3/4 despite having tournaments in them? Even gen 2 had no specific rules in the colosseum. I genuinely believe gamefreak made almost no competitive balance decisions until like gen 6 when they added fairies lol
    1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
      @mont_616_pkmn The point of this isn't to disparage VGC, but a lot of players use the word "official" as if it means anything from gens like, 1 to 5. The first few official formats are legit no difference from fan formats because gamefreak had no input or balance changes like, at all.
      1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
        @mont_616_pkmn And the history of all these tournaments were just for ads. The first ones in japan in the 90s were run to show TV ads, and even stuff like JAA and RS Tour were just big merch parties with a dogshit BO1 format tourney.