@CurvyKirby @puhuhuhuhuhuhu it's not implying that. it's implying that the story of this particular game, specifically the DLC, is lesser. Which I think it is. Your food comparison is also bad. You can have mac and cheese that's good, and mac and cheese that's bad. I think the dlc is bad mac and cheese
@CurvyKirby @puhuhuhuhuhuhu i think a lot of pokemon players only play pokemon and it's equivalent to literally only eating one type of mac and cheese over and over, without trying anything new. I think this plot is so bare bones even for a basic childrens game I cannot relate to this persons feelings
@CurvyKirby @puhuhuhuhuhuhu I'm not saying wow u like pokemon plot, go watch the godfather or play my favorite jrpg. from my perspective the only way i can even relate to anything from this games story is if im projecting very hard because it gives so little to work with