im_a_blisy’s avatarim_a_blisy’s Twitter Archive—№ 13,630

      1. …in reply to @RxPainkillerRx
        @RxPainkillerRx People who think RNG Manips are cheating either are entirely uneducated about it, which this person isn't, considering they follow me, and aggressively quote tweeting them isn't the way to talk abt it, or they think it's cheating in the context of a "normal" shiny hunt.
    1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
      @RxPainkillerRx And I would say to anyone who thinks it's cheating in that context stop using that word because it's very loaded, even if I understand what they mean. An RNG Manip is very different than a shiny hunt, and is a execution test. Not everyone wants a execution test all the time.
  1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
    @RxPainkillerRx Lastly, just let people have fun how they want, like I said. If there are shiny hunters who think rng is cheating, and won't listen to an explanation / try it to see what it's like, then just ignore them. They're jerks, kinda like you.