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    1. …in reply to @RxPainkillerRx
      @RxPainkillerRx You're not a jerk for speaking how you feel, you're a jerk for the way you did it. Quote tweeting someone who was minding their own business who clearly knows what rng manips are (considering they follow me) will always come off as an attempt to dunk on how they feel.
  1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
    @RxPainkillerRx You're also acting as if there can be no value to the act of shiny hunting, which there can be. Yes, people like you may value shortening your time to get pokemon, but people who hunt may value other things. Someone doing a gen 3 roamer hunt is clearly not trying to be fast.
    1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
      @RxPainkillerRx Also to add onto this, not all RNG Manips are even about speed. I'm not doing a colosseum absol manip tomorrow to be fast. I'm doing it because it's a unique skill execution test in various ways. Same with FRLG/G6 manips. The execution test is inherently fun to me.
      1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
        @RxPainkillerRx RNG Started as a way for me to get good IVs in Gen 5, when it was otherwise impossible (gen 6 fixed breeding), then I grew attached to the fun that is pressing the A button at the correct time.
    2. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
      @RxPainkillerRx Considering you can hunt suicune really fast in like, 5 other games. They probably value surprise, commitment, and multitasking.
      1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
        @RxPainkillerRx I'll agree that a lot of shiny hunters probably write RNG Manips off very quickly on a surface level without actually trying it, but if you're not interested in how fast you get a shiny or how good its stats are, well, then why would they even try it?
        1. …in reply to @im_a_blisy
          @RxPainkillerRx If you want more people to accept RNG or be open minded to it, just show it off and talk about how cool you think it is. Do not compare it to other stuff framing that other stuff in a negative light because that will always push people who're attached to that thing away.